probiotics and prebiotics for gut health and healthy microbiome

Probiotics and Prebiotics for Optimal Gut Health

How can probiotics and prebiotics help you become healthier? Read on to discover the benefits of these essential gut health supplements. Research has found that an imbalanced microbiome can be lin...

HEALTH & WELLNESSNo Guilt Baking: Delicious Protein Pancakes and Muffins

No Guilt Baking: Delicious Protein Pancakes and Muffins

Baking pastries can be healthy! When we think about baking, we usually connect it to pastries full of sugar, carbohydrates, and fat. But when we’re mindful of our ingredients, we can also enjoy de...

FITNESSExercise and Longevity living longer and healthier when exercising

Physical Activity for Longevity: Benefits and Tips

The relationship between exercise and longevity is a compelling one. Let's shed some light on this topic here. Do you want to know the secret to living longer? It’s not the fountain of youth, nor ...

HEALTH & WELLNESSReishi Mushrooms As An Adaptogen -- Xendurance

Why Adaptogens May Be Your Answer To Stress

  Adaptogens seem to be the topic of discussion and we are seeing their names pop up everywhere; in skincare, in supplements and in general nutrition. Many call adaptogens, Superfoods.  But why gl...

HEALTH & WELLNESSHow To Cope With Running In The Heat


早めのアラームを設定して暑さをしのぐ! 実行するのに最適な時間は、午前6時から7時の間の早朝です。たとえば、パーカンの創設者であるポールシントンヒューイットは、秋の後半のハーフマラソンに備えて、穏やかな夏にほとんどのランニングを行うときだと言います。 マン島の長距離ランナーのキース・ジェラードは、特にニューメキシコの夏の暑さでトレーニングをしているときに同意します。 「暑さ指数は朝一番...