The Wonders of Plant Oil: 10 Surprising Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

The Wonders of Plant Oil: 10 Surprising Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

The onset of the "clean beauty" trend has been taking the world by storm since 2019. As a result, more people have begun looking for natural, green, and hypoallergenic options to help care for their skin. 

One of the consistently in-demand clean beauty product ingredients is tea tree oil. It is one of the options when people search for how to naturally reduce skin inflammation and redness. 

Global market research valued tea tree oil's market size at $38.8 million in 2017. The analysis also projected that the market for tea tree oil may reach up to $59.5 million by 2025. 

Tea tree oil, also recognized as melaleuca oil, hails from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree found in New South Wales and Queensland in Australia. 

Many believe that it provides a wide range of benefits for the skin. Therefore, they use it as an alternative to improve skin conditions. 

Read the rest of the article and learn more about the benefits of tea tree oil and its uses in skin inflammation treatment.

What Is Tea Tree Oil? 

This essential oil is the product of streaming the leaves of a local Australian tea tree. The oil from the tea tree leaves is noted to be antibacterial when applied to the skin topically. It is also a popular option to improve many skin problems, including athlete's foot, insect bites, nail fungus, and lice. 

10 Benefits of Tea Tree Oil: What Can It Do for the Skin? 

There are numerous tea tree oil benefits based on multiple studies. It reportedly helps soothe the skin to address different conditions. The most common benefits you will get from using tea tree oil include the following:

1. Alleviate Eczema and Dry Skin

Tea tree oil can help improve dry skin by reducing irritation and itching. According to a clinical trial shared by the National Library of Medicine, this essential oil is more efficient in improving eczema than creams with zinc oxide and clobetasone butyrate.

To use tea tree oil for eczema and dry skin, you can combine several drops of the oil with your preferred moisturizer or carrier oil. Then, apply your prepared mixture to the problematic areas immediately after stepping out of the shower. You must apply your tea tree oil mixture on your skin at least twice a day. 

2. Fights Acne

Because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, people use tea tree oil as an alternative acne treatment. A study conducted in Australia looked into the potency of gels made with tea tree oil compared to products without this essential oil in improving mild to moderate acne. 

During the study, those who used a tea tree oil product had significantly fewer acne breakouts than those using a regular facial product. The study also recorded no adverse reactions from the tea tree oil-infused product aside from several minor side effects like peeling and dryness. These issues went away on their own without any intervention.  

When combined with other products containing nature-derived ingredients like Omega-3 fatty acids, you can reduce the risk of acne breakouts.  

3. Relieves Skin Irritations 

This essential oil's anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties reportedly help soothe wounds and skin irritations. A pilot study found that a patient's wounds improved after using tea tree oil. 

Meanwhile, other case studies claimed that this natural product could improve the condition of infected chronic wounds. However, more research can help shed light on this claim. 

4. Improves Dry, Flaky Scalp

Another study suggested that tea tree oil can help improve seborrheic dermatitis symptoms. Seborrheic dermatitis is a condition that brings scaly patches and dandruff to the scalp. 

According to the study shared by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, a whopping 41% of respondents saw an improvement in their dandruff. The research also noted a significant improvement in the scalp's itchiness and greasiness among those who used tea tree oil shampoo. 

5. Reduces Psoriasis Symptoms 

While scientific research about using tea tree oil to alleviate psoriasis symptoms is still limited, anecdotal evidence discovered that this essential oil could help reduce the symptoms of this skin condition. Common symptoms that can improve using tea tree oil include inflammation and infection. 

You only need to dilute up to two drops of the oil into a tiny amount of carrier oil, then spread it to the affected skin.

6. Helps Alleviate Scabies 

A laboratory study held at Australia's Flinders University learned that 5% tea tree oil and the active ingredient terpinen-4-ol were potent in lessening the survival rate of scabies mites. 

Based on the study, the oil from tea tree leaves acts as a natural remedy for scabies due to its antimicrobial components. As a result, it can relieve scabies in and on top of the skin.  

7. Helps with Cuts, Infections, and Wound Healing

Tea tree oil can be an effective alternative to medicine for wound healing thanks to its antimicrobial properties. Based on a 2013 study, the oil assists in healing wounds brought by bacteria. 

The study revealed that nine out of 10 respondents who used the oil and regular wound remedies experienced a faster healing time than those who used the traditional medications. 

If you want to try out the wound-healing properties of tea tree oil, you can mix one drop of it with your preferred wound ointment and apply it as prescribed. 

8. Resists Ringworm and Toenail Fungus 

Another study about the benefits of tea tree oil learned that it is potent in relieving parasitic infections. But do you know that it can also help eliminate fungal infections? 

Put several drops of undiluted tea tree oil on the areas affected by ringworm, athlete's foot, and nail fungus. You will see your condition improve after several days. You may also mix it with oregano oil to relieve stubborn fungal infections. 

9. Eliminates Bad Foot Odor 

The antibacterial property of tea tree oil is also efficient in dealing with stinky feet. You may combine two to three drops of tea tree oil with half a teaspoon of jojoba oil, then massage it on your feet. 

It may also help to do an exfoliating foot scrub with this essential oil to make your feet odor-free and smooth. 

10. Keeps Bad Odor Away 

If tea tree oil can help remove foul foot odor, you can also expect it to work wonders on foul body odor. The antimicrobial properties of this oil can eradicate the bacteria that cause bad odor. 

You can create a DIY tea tree oil deodorant by adding a few drops of oil to a baking soda and coconut mixture.  


Always Active? Tea Tree Oil Can Save the Day

Being physically active is awesome! But as much as you’d want to be pain and discomfort free when engaging in physical activities, your skin can take a beating due to the moisture from the sweat and the friction from the clothing you wear.

This is exactly why SKIN by XND’s Shield + Protect was made. It aims to provide active people with a product that creates the ultimate protective layer to the skin while keeping it moisturized and free of friction that can cause chafing, skin irritation, and inflammation. Best of all, it keeps bad odor at bay!

One of its key ingredients is tea tree oil, as its antimicrobial properties help reduce inflammation. Other notable ingredients are:

  • Aloe Vera - hydrates and moisturizes the skin; a natural antiseptic
  • Tapioca Starch - reduce perspiration to prevent moisture build-up
  • Jojoba Seed Oil - has anti-inflammatory properties; locks in moisture
  • Squalane - has antioxidant properties; moisturizes the skin and helps in improving dry, rough skin
  • Chamomile Extract - can help soothe pain and discomfort from sores, rashes, and skin irritation

Not physically active? Shield + Protect can also be used by:

  • Amputees who wear prosthetics
  • Babies who wear cranial helmets
  • Patients with fractures who need to use orthopedic slings and braces; or those who wear them for support
  • Diabetics to prevent wound formation from very dry skin

Frequently Asked Questions 

How to Check if Tea Tree Oil is Real? 

The authenticity of essential oils like tea tree oil can be challenging to verify. You may need to check if the bottle or tube is tightly sealed and in a container that considers sensitivity to heat and light. 

The label of a natural tea tree oil also indicates the Latin name of the plant where it came from. It also has a specific 100% pure essential oil label on the bottle. 

How Does Tea Tree Oil Smell?

The smell of tea tree oil resembles eucalyptus or peppermint oils. These essential oils are also used for improving fungal and bacterial problems. 

Where Should You Avoid Putting Tea Tree Oil? 

While tea tree oil can be an effective natural remedy for most skin conditions, you must avoid applying it anywhere near your mouth due to its possible poisonous component. 

Improve Skin Conditions Naturally With Tea Tree Oil

Using essential oils like tea tree oil to alleviate a wide range of skin problems has been a practice for years. But due to the emerging popularity of natural remedies, more people are starting to recognize their benefits to the skin. 

So look for authentic and guaranteed 100% pure tea tree oil to help you improve a multitude of common skin problems! 


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